Thursday, May 5, 2011

Losing it

So as much as I have tried to stay in control today deep down it is not working. My house is a disaster. We are supposed to have company tomorrow. I guess that old saying about having a clean house relaxing you might just be true. I can't stand the mess anymore. I just literally threw everything that was on my "island" onto the dining room floor. The mess in the hallway got swept into the other hallway. I think I am going to grab trash bags and start filling them until I feel at peace. Then I can go through each bag of crap really slowly. And I mean slowly. I have no place for this stuff and no way to store it. I want to have a yard sale, but even that means I have to keep it somewhere for a while and then hope it sells, then put it back if it doesn't. I should probably donate it all to Goodwill, but I'm really poor (in case you didn't guess) and I need to sell it to have money. Maybe nobody reads this because I ramble. But even if no one does I feel better having written it. It's all about staying sane and trying to survive. One deep breathe at a time!

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