Monday, March 4, 2013

Oops I did it again

How is it that just a few days ago I was miserable and hung up on you. But today I'm happy as can be! Oh, I know, I screwed up...again! It must have been the way you looked at me. But now I know, you like me. I know this won't end well. Hell, it probably won't even happen again. But for now I'm still riding the high. It seems kind of pathetic, me feeling this way. I'm sure my emotional rollercoaster isn't going to end soon. I'm sure there are many more ups and downs. Not sure how to handle the future. For now one day at a time works.

Isn't all about being happy and doing things that make you smile? If life is miserable, what's the point. To me it all seems to make sense. It could be so easy. But you see things differently. You will complicate, deny, and fight this. In the end, you're probably right, but wasn't it fun?

So for those of you out there reading...any thoughts, advice, or questions?

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